New feature in the TEIKEI online marketplace for communities across Europe!
20 September 2024



TEIKEI online marketplace: A new feature will soon go live for communities across Europe!

We have great news for you and your community! The TEIKEI online marketplace develops further and soon brings a revolutionary New functionwhich enables countries across Europe to become part of a sustainable network. And when we talk about Europe, we mean the Geographical Europe - from Portugal to Norway, from Greece to Iceland. Every country will soon have the opportunity to set up its own TEIKEI community via the TEIKEI marketplace and actively participate in sustainable food supply!

1. become part of the new Europe-wide function!

Mit dieser neuen Funktion können Regionen bald Establish a main community, die als Herzstück für alle weiteren Gemeinschaften im jeweiligen Einzugsbereich dient. Diese Hauptgemeinschaft wird von einem Administrator betreut, der den gesamten Bestellprozess koordiniert und sicherstellt, dass die Mindestbestellmengen erreicht werden, um effiziente und nachhaltige Lieferungen zu organisieren. Die Freischaltung dieser Funktion steht kurz bevor, und Du kannst unter den Ersten sein, die wichtige Grundbausteine für eine Europa-regionale, rekursive Netzwerkökonomie legen!

2. main communities and local communities - a strong network

With the soon to be activated function TEIKEI Communities build a strong, regional network. Each main community serves as a Central contact point for the coordination of all orders in the country. As soon as this function is available, in each country local communities entstehen, die direkt auf der Plattform aktiv werden. Die Hauptgemeinschaft übernimmt die Koordination der Bestellungen und die Organisation der Logistik – die Produkte gelangen direkt vom Erzeuger zum nationalen Sammel-, bzw. Verteillager.

3. administrators wanted: coordination is the key

Um diese bald freigeschaltete Funktion optimal zu nutzen, wird jede Region eine:n Administrator:im brauchen, welche die Verantwortung für den TEIKEI-Marktplatz übernimmt. Administratoren sind das Link zwischen den Produzenten, den Gemeinschaften und den nationalen Sammellagern. Sie sorgen dafür, dass alles – von der Bestellung bis zur Lieferung – reibungslos abläuft. Wenn Du eine zentrale Rolle in Deiner Region übernehmen möchtest, melde Dich bei uns und sei bereit, sobald die Funktion live ist!

4. deliveries directly from the farm - efficiency and sustainability combined

With the new function, it will be possible for products Directly from the farm to the national collection warehouse as soon as the minimum order quantities have been reached. From there, the Final delivery to the local communities. In this way, we ensure that the products reach you fresh and sustainable - all over Europe! This function is an important step towards TEIKEI values throughout Europe and to promote a sustainable food supply.

5. special consideration of the situation in Russia

Due to the current geopolitical situation and the associated Trade restrictions direct trade between Europe and Russia is currently severely restricted. This means that we are currently unable to offer this new function in Russia. not can be realised. We are monitoring developments closely and will adapt the options for Russia as soon as the situation changes. In the meantime, we are focussing on building communities in other European countries that can participate fully in the TEIKEI network.

6. be one of the first - the new function is coming soon!

The New function will soon be activated in the TEIKEI online marketplace. You have the opportunity to be one of the first to use this innovative solution to create your community or join an existing one. Start planning your TEIKEI community now and be ready as soon as the feature goes live!

Shape the future of sustainable logistics with TEIKEI!

Now is the perfect time to prepare for the soon-to-be-activated function and become part of a Europe-wide movement. Found your TEIKEI communitywill Administrator or join a local community on. Together, we can shape the future of sustainable food supply throughout Europe - from the producers directly to you!


Discover exciting insights into TEIKEI's sustainable logistics in this video and find out how our transport routes contribute to grandchild-friendly agriculture.