TEIKEI online marketplace: Network with producers and communities!

You have Bock for a sustainable, fair and transparent Future for our food supply? Then now is the perfect time to become part of TEIKEI!

Our TEIKEI online marketplace is already live and offers you many opportunities to buy regional food directly from the producer. But soon it will be even better! A new, revolutionary function will soon be added that will enable you to, Ordering groups in your region directly with producers - in both directions. Ordering communities can network with each other and with producers, and vice versa, producers can directly address communities in their region. A real revolution for a sustainable, regional food supply!

1. network with ordering groups and producers in your region

About the TEIKEI online marketplace you will soon have the opportunity to network directly with producers in your region as an ordering group. And vice versa, it will be possible for producers to connect with ordering communities. This will create a close-knit network in which regional products can be exchanged and consumed directly.

And you? You will soon be able to choose which products you want and which farm they should come from. Pretty cool, isn't it?

2. large selection of regional and European-regional products

On the TEIKEI online marketplace you will not only find products from your region, but also special goods from all over Europe. Europe-regional meets local - This allows you to organise your supplies flexibly, with a focus on seasonal and regional products.

Regional products always have priority! In this way, we support local agriculture and promote sustainable consumption.

3rd priority for regional products - strong together!

The idea is simple: Regional products have priority. When you order on the marketplace, the seasonal and regional products are displayed first. In this way, you strengthen the farms and producers in your region and help to protect the environment.

But don't worry, you will also have the opportunity to order products from other parts of Europe to expand the range. The TEIKEI online marketplace combines local and European regional offers for maximum variety.

4. producers and ordering syndicates - everyone gets involved!

The best thing about the new function? Everyone can take part! Ordering communities can bring producers directly onto the platform, and producers have the opportunity to set up new communities or join existing ones. This direct connection strengthens solidarity and promotes sustainable agriculture.

5. networked collection points - everything in one place!

Another advantage of the new function: you can combine both regional and European-regional products at one pick-up location. This ensures maximum flexibility and a greater variety, without the seasonal offers being displaced. You decide what's on your table!

And best of all, our sustainable logistics ensure that the products are delivered directly from the farm to you wherever possible - in many cities even by cargo bike. It couldn't be more environmentally friendly!

Fancy it? Then join in!

We need you! The TEIKEI online marketplace lives from the people who use it. If you want to be part of this movement, then show us!

Are you a producer? Then get in touch with us and be there when the new function goes live. Your products are exactly what our community needs!

Are you part of a community or want to start one? Then set up your ordering community now and tell us how we can make the platform even better for you and your region. Write in the comments: "Hey, I want this function for my regional production!" We listen to you and realise your wishes.

Join in - Let's shape the future of regional production together!