Natural agriculture

Natural Agriculture according to Masanobu Fukuoka Natural Agriculture, also known as "Farming by Doing Nothing", was developed by the Japanese farmer and philosopher Masanobu Fukuoka. This method aims to minimise human intervention in the...


Die TEIKEI Agora ist eine Plattform, die lokale und europaregionale Produzenten direkt mit Bestellgemeinschaften vernetzt. Dabei wird eine transparente Lieferkette geschaffen, die keinen Bedarf an Großhändlern hat. Verbraucher können so auf nachhaltige Lebensmittel...

3-level system

3-level system of regenerative agriculture The 3-level system describes the progress of a farm towards fully regenerative agriculture. It is based on four levels: Level 0 (basic), Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. The...


The FairShare rate indicates the percentage of the final price of a product that goes directly to the farm for the cultivation and production of the food. It shows the relationship between the production costs and the final price. The lower the FairShare rate, the...


More than just flavour If you would like to watch a video about quality at TEIKEI, you can watch it right here (with subtitles). In the video, Felix talks in detail about what quality means to TEIKEI and why it is so important...