Natural agriculture

Natural agriculture according to Masanobu Fukuoka

The Natural agriculturealso known as "Farming by Doing Nothing", was invented by the Japanese farmer and philosopher Masanobu Fukuoka has been developed. This method aims to minimise human intervention in natural processes as much as possible in order to enable a harmonious and sustainable form of agriculture. At the centre of this is the conviction that nature functions perfectly in its original form and that human agriculture often causes damage through excessive intervention and techniques.

Basic principles of natural farming

  • No tillageThe soil is not ploughed or dug up. This protects the natural soil structure and promotes biodiversity and soil fertility.
  • No chemical fertilisers or pesticidesFukuoka relies on natural cycles and a balanced ecosystem to regulate pests and diseases. The use of synthetic fertilisers or pesticides is completely avoided.
  • No weed controlWeeds are not controlled with chemicals or by constant weeding. Instead, a natural balance between different plant species is encouraged, often through the use of ground cover or mulching.
  • No dependence on compostWhile many organic farming methods rely on compost, the organic farming method Natural agriculture that the soil maintains its fertility through natural decomposition and the cycle of organic matter.
  • Diversity instead of monocultureFukuoka's method promotes mixed cultivation, in which different plant species are grown side by side in order to utilise the natural symbioses and avoid one-sided use of the soil.

Goal and vision of natural farming

The aim of Natural Agriculture is to recognise the wisdom of nature and work in harmony with it, rather than disturbing it through modern agricultural techniques. Fukuoka believed that this method could make both man and nature healthier and more resilient.

His most famous work, "The great path has no gate" (The One-Straw Revolution), is considered a milestone for the ecological movement and continues to inspire farmers and environmental activists worldwide. The Natural agriculture is often regarded as the forerunner of modern forms of regenerative agriculture viewed.


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