The TEIKEI Agora is a platform that connects local and pan-European producers directly with ordering syndicates. This creates a transparent supply chain that has no need for wholesalers. Consumers can thus access sustainable food without having to rely on middlemen.
Was ist die Agora?
The Agora ist eine digitale Plattform, die Order pools and Producers across Europe. Consumers can organise themselves into communities and order food together directly from sustainable farms. The platform places particular emphasis on Transparencytraceability and fair trade relations.
Was kann die Agora?
- Transparent orders: Consumers can see exactly which farm their products come from and how the prices are calculated.
- Community orders: The platform makes it possible for several households or communities to form an ordering group in order to order larger quantities and simplify logistics.
- Traceability: The entire supply chain - from production to delivery - is completely transparent so that everyone can trace the path of the products.
- Sustainability: The marketplace promotes trade in products from regenerative agriculture, which are based on Sustainability and environmental protection.
- Harvest shares and subscriptions: Users can take out harvest shares or regular subscriptions for certain products, such as olive oil or fruit crates, in order to have continuous access to fresh, seasonal food.
The idea behind TEIKEI
The Agora basiert auf den Werten der solidarity-based agriculture and the recursive network economy. The aim is to promote fair relationships between producers and consumers by establishing direct trading relationships that Transparency and Sustainability in the foreground. TEIKEI creates a Alternative economic structureThe focus is not on the pursuit of profit, but on the well-being of communities and the environment.
Durch diese Plattform wird der Zugang zu fair gehandelten, nachhaltig produzierten Lebensmitteln erleichtert, und gleichzeitig wird ein Netzwerk von Gemeinschaften und landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben gefördert, das für alle Beteiligten langfristige Vorteile bietet.
Start your TEIKEI community today and become part of the sustainable food movement!